Acupuncture for Athletes

Athlete 300x200 Acupuncture for AthletesOver the past decade, acupuncture has been becoming a more popular method for treating medical problems. It involves the inserting of small, thin needles just below the skin that help open up and clear acupoints, and energy pathways throughout the body. These were discovered and mapped out by the Chinese thousands of years ago. Pain is a way of altering the body’s natural flow and is a disturbance within the body’s energy. The goal of acupuncture is to restore the balance of power. If you want to learn more about acupuncture or are looking for acupuncturists in Huntington, NY, you should consider contacting Park Ave PT to schedule an appointment. 

Benefits of Acupuncture for Athletes 

Acupuncture is a proven effective alternative to conventional medicine or medical practice. Its main goal is to restore the balance of the body’s energy and provide the body with many benefits. Some benefits that our Acupuncturists in Huntington, NY, provide include:

  1. Pain relief – When the needles are inserted, the body releases natural endorphins, a natural painkiller. These endorphins last for a long time, and the patients usually see results after their first visit, by reducing inflammation, increasing range of motion, and boosting the immune system. Using medicines and other drugs can hide the pain, but sometimes not fix the actual problem.  
  2. Improved blood flow– acupuncture releases natural hormones that open the arteries and veins. This increases the blood flow of the heart and cardiovascular system.  
  3. Muscle relaxation– With the increased blood flow, inflammation decreases, and muscles begin to relax.  
  4. Injury prevention and treatment– With acupuncture balancing the body’s energy, there is likely to be an injury in the future. If there was an injury then the acupuncture treatments should significantly improve the healing process time.  
  5. Energy and endurance- Acupuncture can be a natural regulator of the nervous system, this helps enhance the body’s endurance and improve energy levels 

Contact Our Acupuncturists in Huntington NY

At Park Ave PT we offer more than just acupuncture, our services include physical therapy, concussion treatment, golf fitness training, joint mobilization, and many more. Our well-trained, experienced staff is here to provide you with the best care and insight into any questions or concerns you may have. If you are curious about acupuncture or are looking for an acupuncturist in Huntington NY, you should contact Park Ave PT to schedule an appointment or visit our website