Park Avenue Physical Therapy and Wellness offers various services to their clients to help them relieve their pain, regain their strength, and get back on their feet. Physical therapy, orthopedics, massage therapy, and acupuncture Northport are just some of our office’s many services and treatments. Our team, including licensed and trained physical therapists, athletic trainers, acupuncturists, and massage therapists, has the goal of providing you with a fantastic experience and guiding you back to a pain-free life.
Vertigo is the sensation of feeling a constant state of dizziness. Often, many people with vertigo will experience being unbalanced or as if the entire room around them is spinning. Vertigo can occur due to a problem or build-up of liquid in the inner ear.
Many symptoms can occur when someone has vertigo. Some of these symptoms include:
Many times, there is no need to treat vertigo as it can go away by itself. The brain will adapt to the changes in your ear and rely on other parts of your body to maintain balance and gravity. However, there are ways to treat vertigo, such as vestibular rehabilitation, canalith repositioning maneuvers, medicine, or surgery.
Acupuncture is the practice of placing tiny thin needles into specific regions of your body that can help and alleviate issues your body may be experiencing. Acupuncture can help with stress, nausea, vomiting, lower back pain, and vertigo. Park Avenue PT & Wellness offers access to acupuncture Northport.
Acupuncture is a way to help with vertigo symptoms. This treatment can help alleviate the feeling of dizziness and nausea. An acupuncturist can discover where the body is feeling out of balance and use acupuncture to help fix these problems and the symptoms that come along with them.
Park Avenue Physical Therapy and Wellness offers treatment for acupuncture Northport. We have trained acupuncturists that can take away the side effects of vertigo.