Acupuncture is a practice that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for treating pain and other conditions. The practice was believed to release the body’s flow of energy through the stimulation of specific pathways. It involves placing very thin needles in various parts of one’s body and may include the addition of heat or pressure as well. It is a safe form of treatment and patients will experience little to no pain. Acupuncture has been utilized by over 3 million Americans. When combined with physical therapy, it can provide added pain relief and reduce the need for medication. If you would like to learn more about acupuncture in Huntington NY, continue reading!
At Park Avenue Physical Therapy and Wellness, we offer a variety of services, including acupuncture in Huntington NY, to help patients reach their personal goals and return to their daily activities. We have served the community for over 20 years and have an experienced staff ready to work with you to enhance your quality of life!
Although acupuncture is typically used for pain management, it can help patients suffering from other conditions as well. It is believed to minimize pain by triggering the release of chemicals in the body, which then signals the brain to increase the flow of endorphins. Patients who receive acupuncture in Huntington NY can treat conditions such as:
If you are experiencing any of these conditions and are seeking acupuncture in Huntington NY, look no further than Park Avenue Physical Therapy and Wellness! Contact us today to schedule an appointment or visit our website for more information. Let us help you relieve your pain so that you can return to doing the things that you love!