Each year more than 40 million Americans suffer from symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety consists of excessive worrying that often negatively impacts daily life. Acupuncture is an ancient practice using needles and pressure points that are becoming a popular alternative treatment for anxiety. We here at Park Ave Physical Therapy & Wellness understand how overwhelming anxiety can be and are here to help. Call or visit acupuncture Northport for a consultation.
During acupuncture, tiny needles are placed along with specific areas of the body. The place where needles are placed is known as “acupuncture points”. These spots are believed to have blockages of energy. The needles vary in length and thickness and are used to up the blocked energy channels, Acupuncture Northport is recognized by the NIH for pain management treatment and the FDA regulates the standards for needle use.
Several studies have been conducted on acupuncture and its effectiveness of general anxiety. Benefits include:
The risk does not outweigh the potential rewards when it comes to treating anxiety with acupuncture. The main side effects of acupuncture are some general soreness. It usually dissipates after a few hours. The best way to minimize risks is to visit a licensed acupuncturist. Licensed acupuncturists are required to use sterile, disposable needles.
Anxiety is a stressful burden that affects many. Medication and talk therapy are two effective treatment options. For those looking for an alternative, acupuncture is a proven effective treatment that is all-natural. If you’re suffering from anxiety and thinking about acupuncture as a treatment, come visit or call us for acupuncture Northport and schedule a consultation. Park Ave PT & Wellness is ready to help you on your journey to wellness!