Some people pair massage therapy with pain. Massage therapy, especially deep-tissue massages, can cause some soreness; however, it should not be excruciating. If you are in pain after your massage therapy session, communicate with your massage therapist. There may be something they can do! Don’t hesitate to contact Park Ave PT and Wellness to learn more and express any concerns you may have about massage therapy Northport!
The most common reason for pain after massage therapy Northport is client tolerance. Some people may handle a deeper massage with no pain, while others need a lighter touch. If you feel pain during your massage therapy session, tell your massage therapist. They will do everything they can to make you as comfortable as possible.
Some soreness after a massage is typical. Massage therapy can work ignored muscles. Just like a workout, these muscles can get sore after a massage. The soreness does not last long, but there are ways to alleviate the pain. Some examples include:
Massage therapy Northport at Park Ave PT and Wellness can help make sure you’re in the best possible shape. Our caring staff will make sure that you are comfortable at all times. Contact us and book an appointment today!